Our people

Scinova is essentially an international network of consultants working on a freelance basis. Some consultants can be Project Leads, where they will be responsible for drafting project proposals, putting together teams of consultants with complementary skills, apply for funding, conduct research, publish, build business plans, and track project progress.

Consultants work as teams to bridge the gap between research and business. Scinova emphasizes a lot on research and development, particularly on innovation. While research builds knowledge, innovation transforms the knowledge into business. Scinova also develops strategic partnerships with private companies and other institutions for specialized services and support. Our current consultants have expertise in a wide variety of fields, including software development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, hydroinformatics, hydrology, chemical engineering, health economics, web development, design, digital marketing, event management, and more.

Why join Scinova? You have ideas, talent, and some spare time. Taking these critical next steps may be hard: network with other experts and refine your ideas, conduct research, protect your intellectual property, seek funding, create a company, gather people with complementary skills, make business plans, etc. Scinova creates a framework to put all the pieces together for your project, and provides an effective and conducive environment for research, innovation, and real business ventures, where you will have a stake commensurate to your contribution.

Interested? Send us an email at contact@scinova.com.